Monday, January 17, 2011

I am a true Patriotist ….A Saga of Sarcasm

I am back…!!

Recently, over dinner with friends we had a discussion on true patriotisms?? – As usual no body knows how our conversation went all the way from office gossips to national patriotism J
We were five and interestingly all of us expressed that I AM A TRUE PATRIOTIST.

Great!! Superb reason to celebrate!!

We have ordered a huge chunk of food (Due to some personal grounds I can’t tell what we have ordered…:))

In a packed restaurant, we understood that we need to kill a lot of time before having a glance over what we have ordered.

So I took an initiative for justifying ourselves about “WHY WE ARE TRUE PARIOTIST? “ (3 guys resisted, but I didn’t allow them to sit peacefully)

I know all of four guys very well over past couple of years. I know their character, behavior, commitments ……..except their secret savings, market shares and GFs J

I started saying that, what I am mentioning about "me" & "I" here will applicable to all of you guys. They said yessss….....

Here I go……..
Patriotism doesn’t mean that, we have to join the army and fight for the country/people, but we have to be a liable citizen to obligate our responsibilities towards the development of country and we have to commit to respect the integrity of our own country.

It was well received and I got a round of applause by all with an OOOOOOOOOOOhhhh sound!! J

I continued,

Am a well educated guy and working for one of the top notch MNC, So I am no where a yoke to my country, in fact I am an ingredient of countries development as I am away from the statistics of Illiteracy and unemployment – As obvious,  am a true patriot ,I am helping my country to grow.

Great!! Seems this also worked fine, one more round of applause. I was happy ,as well my confidence level was soaring and my wits started working very fast to gather/evaluate all the data and information so as to defend myself that I AM A TRUE PATRITOST.
I continued the debate little seriously without showing any sense of fun.

I generously donate a portion of my money (very little to say) or I actively involved in the corporate volunteer activities for under privileged people/Students .So that I will get the tax benefit for my IT and I proudly notify to all my friends, colleagues and relatives whenever a situation comes, so that they will mull over me as a generous contributor to the society.  In fact I don’t mind adding it in my resume so that my new employer will be so impressed with a noble guy like me to recruit, But AM I NOT DOING A GOOD JOB FOR THE COUNTRY ?? – So I AM A TRUIE PATRIOTSIT, donating my hard earned money/time for the betterment of my own society ….may be for a mutual benefit still..I AM A…

I see a little embarrassment in the faces of my friends (Including me) and I observed bunch of other young people in the restaurant also keenly observing our conversation.

I continued, without any destruction.

On Independence day/Republic day and on the day of National Heroes b’day, I will not forget to wear a tri color T-shirts/Shirt or at least I will manage to add some tri color to my dressing. Interestingly, On the day of Gandhi’s B’day/ cemetery day, I prefer to wear a white T-shirt with black Gandhi smiling image on it, so as to promote the peace in weekend resorts, multiplexes or shopping malls (Actually these are national holidays for my office so I used to plan all these programs way earlier).I try to take my lunch/dinner, which reflects my love on county along with watching a patriotism movie (Either downloaded from torrents or will buy a pirated copy in the market). Importantly, I will make sure that all the events happened that day should reflect in my Facebook/Orkut without failure. I used to post comments like “happy independence day”,”Proud to be an Indian “, “Jayho India” and so on to my social networking account. I used to send SMS to my entire friends list wishing for Iday/Rday (Considering that my mobile operator is not charging any extra for this) – But AM I DOING THE WRONG THING ??? - So I am a TRUE PATROTIST, expressing my love to the country and promoting the same as well.

I observed a grim atmosphere around us and to my surprise bunch of other people around us also listening to me seriously. We are with the food of what we have ordered. But I don’t see much enthusiasm in us as the time when we ordered the same thing a few minutes back.

I continued little emotionally with an increased pitch in my voice,

I spend at least 7 hrs in a week (mainly over lunch/snacks or tea/coffee) to discus about the situation of my country. I make sure that my discussion should reflect such that 30% time I spent on scolding politicians and 30% time comparing the deficiencies in my country with the development of other countries like China, Japan as well remaining 40% of time will be spent to shout on people/ burocrates for being so irresponsible. When I come out of the office I make sure to reach the home as soon as possible by jumping the signals, travelling over footpaths (I get irritated by the infrastructure in my city – very small footpaths to ride the bike very fast), riding in reverse direction in one way road……what not… to watch the new movie (either theatre or computer) or to catch up my friend or girl friend…..Still, I AM DOING SOME THING WRONG?? - So I am a true patrotist, spending considerable amount of time on discussing about situation of my own country and feel so sad emotionally for the problem what my country is facing.

Every day in the morning and also during the office hours I spent substantial time on reading national/international news, editorials, business sections and importantly movie news. I try to up to date myself regarding what is in and what is out happening, So that I will be prepared to discuss this in front of my friends or Girl friend to impress them or may be to improve my vocabulary for my GMAT/GRE exams or for group discussions/ debates……..….. Many times I used to share some of the interesting news with my friends also .I used to forward “Donation needed”, Poor infrastructure of country, new technology gadgets in the market …..emails to my friends– So am a true patriotist, I am aware of what is going on in my country as I am worried about my people and I try to educate the people about what is happening, so obviously AM A TRUE PATRIOTISTS.

Being an intruder, I always poke my nose into the others issues in fact I concentrate more on others rather than me. What are they doing, what are they buying, what are their accomplishments they are getting and what not??….and when comes to the situation of PRIVACY I always says that I need a full privacy to myself but I will make sure that this should be just a desire for the people in and around me. I give enormous lectures to OTHERS and I always teach my mind that, those instructions are always for OTHERS only. So AM A TRUE PATRIOTISTS, as am worried so much about my neighbors.

God, we are not eating the foodstuff….In fact we are just staring at it

I used to find a great amount of time to criticize the salary hike of MPs, Common wealth game Scams, poor leaders and inflation in the country. But I am very busy to cast my vote in any of the elections and being holder of valid voter Id for past couple of years, VOTER ID for me is a proof of document to get the credit card or personal loan. Interestingly, sometimes I criticize the society as responsible for poor voting statistics of 50-60%..

I never mind spending time on writing some blogs (yeah..I mean it) , facebooking so as to express my feelings to the society but I feel it is very hard to go out and help some villagers, students or needy.

For me democracy means FREEDOM OF SPEECH but I ignore the fact the democracy also gives the freedom OF doing some thing good. Who cares?? Speech doesn’t need any efforts, but work need.
I don’t know where, but I read an article saying that…. "prosperity of any democratic country depends on commitment of people...not on politicians, burocrates or film starts". Yeah, absolutely. And Recently some politician (I think Sharad pawar) made a statement that “Corruption is in our blood and no one can change", I agree with him.

It went on for almost for 30min and none of the one ate the food ,what we have ordered. I over looked the neighborhood people sitting around us and I can observe the sense of hush. None of my friends are looking at each other especially into the eyes. My tenor become little emotional and suddenly one of the fellow guy in restaurant in facet came over to me and said sorry and left, I didn’t asked why ?? while he was saying sorry none of my friends didn't’ lift their heads to see the faces of mine or them. I point out to the hotel servant to bring the bill and he brought it immediately . Interestingly the barer didn’t asked me about “WHY we hadn't ate any food". He is also looking grim.

Before I am about say a word ,all of my friend stood and moved to wards the exit. We were sharing three bikes (me alone ,2+2 on each) ad moved towards home. Till we reached the junction ,where we supposed to split our way no body left a word.

Once we reached the junction, I said bye to all and they replied bye and with a little pause they said SORRY…I didn’t asked why.

I went to home and after fresh up I went over to the bed and switched of the lights I closed my eyes and said SORRY to my self…and prayed the god asking to change my views ,perspectives and attitude ,which ultimately change the society.

I am well aware that everyone in the country is running after their own problems. May be it is related to career, family, financial, education or anything…….But one have to understand the fact that, key for any ones decisive  problem lies with the prosperity of their owns society.

"It is sweet to serve one's country by deeds, and it is bizarre to serve her by words"

I am not going to give some fundas fact we have been listening to them for past so many years and am not going to give a solution as well about what we need to do...because if you are at the point of reading this blog, you could better find it.And also am not going to clarify about what am going to do to correct my oversight….But I can tell one thing that, am going to do some thing good.

Disclosure :  I added series of events happened over my stay in Hyderabad, Chennai & Bangalore and most of them are happened in veracity. I am not sure why I took the examples of only above things ...may be because they often occurs around me or may be because I do them habitually ........ 

Thanks to - 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dedicated to My Freinds

I am not sure why it came into my mind about the concept of this specific blog. I was traveling from Hyderabad to Bangalore in a state run bus service and I was trying my level best to kill all the mosquitoes around my seat like a warrior who killed his enemies in a serious battle. It was around 12.00AM and I was listening to some soothing telugu songs in my full loaded Sansa (remember this) as well as the snoring of my fellow passenger and suddenly it strike in my mind about friends starting from my child hood.. Primary school, Secondary school,engineering college...previous organization…and present organization….

Awesome!!  I felt this is as an awesome idea to spend my time for next 7hours… (Generally I won’t get sleep in Bus Journey)

I took my high-fi Samsung mobile (SGH-700) and started googling about friendship, even though my hopeless mobile doesn’t have very good screen resolution to view but with my four eyes I captured the data exactly what I was looking for. So after 1hours of tedious browsing on friend ship, friend ship quotes, and small friendship stories…..I felt that, still there is a vacuum to satisfy myself in this subject. So I decided to write a blog on friend ship…that’s it !! 

I woke up very early in the morning (11.00AM) on next weekend and started writing this blog…Now let us see what I feel…and what is truth

“Friendship is bullshit and friends are A..H…” this is what I wrote in my diary on 24th March 2003,I still didn’t remembered why I wrote it, may be some of my friend pissed me of sooo much, that being  a very laziest guy in doing good things I spend some time to write it in my diary.

But now things changed…me as well.

Recently I read The Godfather and in one of the context Godfather says “…..Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family. Never forget that”. Utterly an awesome statement and in fact it is true.
Let’s see what is mean by a friend, Most of the people don’t know the definition, including me. That doesn’t mean that we are not suppose to do the friendship but for the matter of subject we need to start with a definition. So the best definition of friend I got is “

A friend is a tender shoulder
on which to softly cry
a well to pour your troubles down
and raise your spirits high

So for time being we will remember this meaning.
Let us see about engendering of friends. In our life we meet so many people during school, tuitions, college, travel, shopping, office….where not?. And if we are maintain the  contact with them for some time over the period after our first meeting then we will recognize them with a ranking called friend.

Now you know the meaning of friend (as above), But do you impose the same to all of your so called FRIENDS??  Without any hesitation I can say NO.

So there is problem either in the meaning of friend or in our selves of defining the friend.  It is absolutely the second one.

A friend is just not someone to whom you say "Hello".
But what is friend then??  “ Let me excavate about it”.

Forget about the meaning of friend, which I mentioned above. Now I will try to define the friend from my experience with them during my schoolS, collegeS and officeS.

Before going into details, at a first cut, I can say that Friends in our life are very similar to the citizens in a perfect democratic country. They will have a lot of freedom on you. They can irritate you, torture you, made you cry or laugh, will piss you off to max extent as well they make you happy till peak.

Before I start describing about them I can say that I have three kinds of friends.

Friends, good friends and best friends. (Don’t think that I am good at English grammar by seeing the comparative degrees here – good, better, best)
A best example I can find to describe these three kinds  is -
Friends are the one whom you can call only in the morning to say good morning- right word at right time with no freedom = RRN
Good friends are the one whom you can call in the afternoon (just) to say good morning – right word at wrong time with a little freedom = RWL
Best friends are the one to whom you call at early in the morning (01.00AM) to say Good night!! Wrong word at wrong time with full freedom = WWF

What I am trying to tell here is, the intensity of friendship can be determined by the amount of freedom you have as well the belief you have on counterpart.
Don’t take this example AS IT IS but concept of freedom and belief I specified above really works. Check it out.

Now let me explain in detail about Three Kinds -
Friends are the one who are like an add-on to the life. One can feel their existence if they are, but will not sense the extinction if they aren’t. While travelling in a train/bus you will get a friend who is a fellow passenger with whom you will discuss many things (personal, social, political…) and when you reach your destination you will get down from the trains and continue journey in next train/bus. You will never feel the absence of that fellow passenger (except some exceptional cases) when you took the bus for next journey. Those are friends. Or maybe they are your schoolmates, classmates, colleagues with whom you always maintain a very limited approach and you won’t feel much about them and sometimes you don’t even save their numbers in mobile. There is nothing much to talk about these folks.

Good friends are the one who are really good to you. With whom you will reciprocate a formal way of approach at every perspective and scene. You will behave diligently while impending with them and you will use your intelligence during your every conversation. May be the age /Gender factor if any or the ideology differences will avoid the synchronization between them to become best friends. You are comfortable in exchanging any kind of help and will feel unwind in discussing any personal issues. But you always share a vacillating boundary, which neither of them will cross. An existence of vacuum will always be identified between them. And they will barter restricted freedom with fewer beliefs on each other.

And finally the best friends are literally part of your life. There are no procedures or approaches regarding how you will behave with your best friends. You will not found boundaries in the way you are talking with them, you will think after you talk but not vice versa. An immensely serious problem will also be treated as an element of mockery. No boundaries, no vacuum, no restrictions but they share only freedom. Exchanging of sorrow and happiness, personal and professional issues, career and life even internet banking passwords.. … and what not??  There are no plastic smiles and embarrassing moments. They barter the full set of freedom and belief on each other.

Consider that best friends may not ask formal well being questions like…how are you? , how do you do? But they always insist the same.

Now come to my situation -
I can say without second thought that, I have few friends a nice list of good friends and scores of best friends.
There is nothing much to talk about friends as I said earlier.
Comes to good friends,
I have one who can loan me a good amount of bucks in spite of his grand profits in stock market. Great!!
I have one who can take a half-day leave from his cruel boss to let it complete the small help I asked over the phone before night. Awesome!!
I have one who can run after all his friends over a course of months to complete my personal project assigned to him. Excellent!!
I have the one who can stretch himself to work over time in office so as to help me in my busy project work. Outstanding!!
I have the one who has the guts to send his expensive credit card and beloved mp3 player through a courier. Oh My God !!
I have the one who can catch my courier at 2.00 AM in the morning by travelling 10kms in cold winter to deliver the same to other friend. Exceptional!!
I really feel good about it.

People may think that I am judging the friendship based upon the work I am getting from them. But I feel that you will ask a favor only if you have a freedom & belief on your friend. In above contest, you can replace “I have the one who can” with “I have a friend whom I can ask “.

I can give u a simple example here, If you are in a new place and you are searching for an address, so you will ask a stranger for a little help in guiding the location. But if you find one of your close friend at same location you won’t mind asking him to take that address.
Why the Difference in approach??
Because you have a freedom & you believe that he (close friend) will do that.
Finally comes to the best friends of mine.
It may sounds weird if I say that “I have no words to explain about my BEST friends”, But in fact it is a FACT.I will not emphasis too much here and I will try to restrict myself as less as possible, because if I need to put my thought here, maybe I need spend a month typing the whole stories.
These are the people who are really best in class folks whom I know till now.
If you combine all the characters of “I have the one who can…” (As above) and you will ended with these guys.
These are the guys who stood with me during the toughest times in my career.
These are the folks who share a considerable portion of my success, if I feel any.
These are the lads who are really good with me even though I am not.
These are people who have lot of confidence on my more than what I have on myself.
In a book of my life every important page has a significant piece of place for them.
They are cool, awesome, wonderful and perfect.

Rather than giving fundas here if I would like to share some examples …so I will feel satisfied to end up this blog.

Recently one of my friend called me asking for some money at around 10.00PM, I remembered, I told that I have some important personal commitment (not too critical one in fact) so I will not able to arrange the money. To my surprise he sent me 10k in next morning considering my situation. I am not sure which word to use as an exclamatory here – shocked, impressed. Surprises, amused….. I don’t know.

I will end this blog with below last statements –
There are whole lot of nice experiences I came across with friends but just because of restrictions to type, I couldn’t’ pt all those on paper. Guys-There is no procedure to follow regarding how to deal with friends. Friend can become good friend and good friend can become a best friend, it is a matter of time and LUCK as well. My only sincere suggestion/request here is friendship is a splendid experience, so be prepare with your mind & heart to attain as much affection as from it.

That’s it Friendship is the matter of freedom &  belief.

I suddenly remembered one quote, which I saw it in Apr 29, 2002 during my engineering entrance examination in one of the class room of government TTC College, Warangal; it says “Friendless life is a moon less night

Yeah…absolutely correct.

Each commend & Every Word mentioned in this blog is dedicated to my Good & Best friends….

Note: Above I sued “I, YOU, WE” where ever applicable so as t make the sentence more generic rather than personal.